
Don’t hesitate to write us a message. You can also send an email to:

We would love to hear from you and will get back to you as quick as possible. 

And if you’d like to chat find a time on our scheduler.


Let's do something different

Join the movement

Start sharing and pooling resources today.

welcome to the public beta

let's get you started!

We love that you want to join our community! 

To enhance your experience and help others: 

  1. Please report bugs and provide feedback
  2. Use the app on a newer mobile phone*
  3. “Save” the app to your iPhone using Safari
*low processing power phones have long load times

how to get on?

On your mobile phone go to:

You can save the app to your phone by following these instructions.

scan the code!

Or on your mobile phone go to:

You can save the app to your phone by following these instructions.

Let's do something different

Join the movement

We are currently invite only. But sign up to our waitlist to join the next round of early access!

*If you know someone already on the app they can invite you via email.