Easily share the best things you have with the people you love.
Reach out to people you would like to build a ‘community’ with and find out what kind of things and skills they’d like to share and receive — then create a group for that community in the app.
Easily add things. Let your friends borrow your favorite book, that GoPro you seldomly use and more. You’ll always know where things are. And friends receive reminders to return things. So a month from now those same items will make it back in the same condition they were shared.
Share more items as you'll always know where they are.
A built in system tracks wear and helps take care of things being shared.
Gather items into convenient collections so friends can find them.
No more awkward moments about getting something back or repaired/replaced.
We’re building a platform to spur deeper relationships. Where friends can share abundance and build wealth together. With today’s technology and social platform structures, just beneath the surface is a huge opportunity!
…and more!
Start sharing and pooling resources today.