Beta Release – Early Access For Testers

We’re just two months away from releasing our public beta. And are now oh so close. The app is currently in TestFlight, part of Apple’s review process, and a few close friends are on it sharing things with each other. In fact, I’m writing this update with the help of a nifty travel charger, and […]
Request for research participants + updates!

Happy 2023! Holy moly – it’s been months since an update from Community Gearbox. And despite the silence there’s actually a bunch going on that we’re excited to share. So, without further ado, here’s what we’ve got! The bad news Last year we quickly hit the usability ceiling of the prototyping tool we had for Community […]
June Update

Thanks to a snorkeling kit borrowed on Community Gearbox Michael holds up a red rock crab he found while exploring the eel grass beds around Alki Beach, Seattle, WA. another month has rolled by and ‘oh boy’ are we learning… *But first a big thank you for your continued support and to everyone else who […]
Public Prototype Release

NOTE: The Public is currently closed while the product is being reworked. – 3/30/23 Woo-hoo! We just released an updated version of the app – a public beta – open and available for anyone. We worked hard to get this far and would not have made it without your support ?. public beta Scan this codeto […]
We Got Into Our First Cohort + Updates!

Thanks for joining us on this journey. There’s a lot going on, but despite the busyness we’re committed to providing a brief update of our progress, share opportunities to connect and help, and anything else that pops up once a month-ish! February & March-thus-far Highlights 1) GeekWire featured us as part of our first startup program via […]